Why it is important to support Official AGSW events.

If the seal is missing, it probably isn’t an official #AGSW2025 event that gives back to our Q+ Community.

So why is this important? Well, to start, rainbow washing. There’s a lot of talk but little walk when companies rainbow wash. You should know that our team works tirelessly to put on an event that gives back to you, the LGBTQIA2S+ ( Q+ for short, thank you @bendigras for coining this term ) Community. We also go to bat when companies, individuals, or other organizations try to use our name without consent or giving back.

So, during this AGSW, look for the official seal and feel good knowing your patronage is helping Q+ youth, mental health services, and more in the RFV and beyond.

Look at a small part of what AspenOUT has supported over the years.

How Do I Get Tickets To AGSW in Aspen?

By being early and on time, and perhaps by joining https://gagale.me – we’re connecting year-round on Gagale.

Some FAQs we’ve had recently about AGSW 2024.

Want to do ski week but not all week. What are best days around 14 or around 21 weekend?

This year is going to be a banger! And honestly, it depends on what you want your ski week to look like. The first half of the week is a “locals vibe” with smaller parties, but folx who have been coming for years. 

The last half of the week, starting Wednesday, January 17, 2024, kicks off some incredible programming with nightlife and parties that go into the late hours of the morning. We also suggest viewing our lineup of events here. 

So if you want more relaxed, less high energy, the first half of the week. If you want parties and late nights, definitely the second half of the week. 

Why does it take so long to go on sale?

Well, we have to ensure we have enough staff, the proper contracts in place, and ensure it’s a space that everyone will enjoy.

Why do tickets sell out so fast?

We have been growing and expanding for the last four years, meaning we’ve sold out repeatedly. We promise to add spaces, tickets, and options for AGSW 2024 to accommodate as many additional folx as possible.

Will there be additional passes available?

No additional passes will be available (other than an offer through W Aspen). Individual tickets will go on sale soon.

What is the best Gay Ski Week in the world?

We might be biased, but the best Gay Ski Week in the world is AGSW. With a history deep in philanthropy and protest, AGSW continues to forge ahead and earn the title of the “alpha and the omega of gay ski weeks” – Condé Naste.

It all started when a group of local Aspen gays, Jon Busch, David Hoch, Tom Duesterberg, Russell Anderson, and others, along with groups of gay tourists from various ski clubs (San Diego, Los Angeles, and Chicago), decided to meet more officially every January to celebrate the LGBTQ+ Community. Every year each ski club volunteered to host parties on different nights to which all were invited. The local contingent’s contribution was, at first, only a welcoming party to kick things off. But over the years, the all-volunteer “let’s put on a show” effort became the world’s first and, for many years only, gay ski week.

Going on our 47th Year in 2024, we look to continue to grow… maybe into Snowmass 😉 But you’ll soon find out.

Hello Gags!

We are excited to launch our platform to keep our community even tighter-knit. (who doesn’t like to keep things tight) Keep in touch with friends you’ve met from previous years, find new friends before you arrive, and know that everyone here has or will be attending an AGSW/AspenOUT event.