Why it is important to support Official AGSW events.

If the seal is missing, it probably isn’t an official #AGSW2025 event that gives back to our Q+ Community.

So why is this important? Well, to start, rainbow washing. There’s a lot of talk but little walk when companies rainbow wash. You should know that our team works tirelessly to put on an event that gives back to you, the LGBTQIA2S+ ( Q+ for short, thank you @bendigras for coining this term ) Community. We also go to bat when companies, individuals, or other organizations try to use our name without consent or giving back.

So, during this AGSW, look for the official seal and feel good knowing your patronage is helping Q+ youth, mental health services, and more in the RFV and beyond.

Look at a small part of what AspenOUT has supported over the years.